Staging the Henrican Court


Following the August 2009 production of The Play of the Weather at Hampton Court, the Staging the Henrician Court website was launched at As a leading edge development in arts and humanities research, we are always looking to learn from and develop the use of the internet for collaborative research. To this end we have now upgraded the website in a number of key areas:

  • VIDEO: You can now watch the complete August 2009 production of The Play of the Weather through the website. Watch it scene by scene and join some of the key areas of debate.
  • COMMENTARY: Filmed interviews with both the theatrical director Gregory Thompson and the Musical Director Tamsin Lewis. Also a discussion between Professor Tom Betteridge and Dr Eleanor Rycroft about the production from an academic perspective. 
  • FORUM: To help you navigate and join the discussion we have created a forum which includes all the discussions and questions to date. Find out just what the top topics are through our innovative tagging of discussions.

MISSED THE SHOW? or would welcome a REMINDER ABOUT THE PROJECT? - check out our YouTube video on the project homepage.

MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION COUNT - We're now looking forward towards the workshops in March. These workshops will build on comments made through the FORUM. Got an angle on the production, historical context or Heywood we haven't thought of? let us know!

SPREADING THE WORD - Finally, the new website is now open to view by anyone, not just contributors - so do let colleagues, students and your mum know about it - even it's just to get a peak inside Hampton Court's fabulous Great Hall!

If you have any questions, or problems using the new website please don't hesitate to get in touch with me at

Meanwhile, seasonal greetings to all our contributors - a fitting time to watch what's been dubbed the Tudor court's 1632/1633 staff panto! If you don't get round to having a look before Christmas, we look forward to crossing paths in the new year.